What To Expect at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center

What To Expect at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center

Treatment programs for substance abuse are often the only option when users cannot stop abuse on their own. People go to rehab because they are afraid that they will never stop using if they do not get professional help. Thanks to the numerous detox, abstinence, support, and counselling services offered inside rehabilitation facilities, many abusers are able to leave and live a sober life.

Let’s take a look at the inner workings of a typical drug and alcohol rehab center:

1. The Center Itself
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs offer safe refuge from substance abuse. The facilities offer patients a chance to get away from the chaos in their regular lives that may trigger drug or alcohol use. Most rehab centers are set up in facilities with nurses, doctors, and counsellors on staff to help patients admit, confront, and stay away from temptation. Rehab facilities may differ from traditional hospital type settings to spa like refuges, but all offer programs and services aimed at helping patients live a sober life.

2. Detox
Most substance abuse programs offer detox at the first step. Detox eliminates all drug and alcohol substances from the patient’s system. It may take a day or several days to complete, and it’s typically overseen by health professionals (i.e., nurses or detox specialists) to ensure patient safety as they go through the often painful withdrawal symptoms.

3. One-on-one therapy
Drug and alcohol rehab centers typically encourage patients to speak privately with a professional therapist or substance abuse counselor. The therapist will attempt to identify the root of the addiction, and they will help you identify and understand triggers while teaching methods to help the patient cope with addictive thoughts and avoid triggers that cause them to abuse drugs or alcohol. Many patients with addictions lack the coping skills to avoid their chosen substances, and which keep them trapped in the cycle of addiction. Therapists are often trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, which intervention and aims to improve abusive cognitive behaviors while improving coping strategies, anger management, and emotional regulation in the face of addiction.

4. Group therapy
Group therapy offers the opportunity to connect with peers at the center and talk through addictive behavior. Many group therapies focus on the Alcoholics Anonymous method providing the opportunity to speak honestly, seek amends, and provide valuable insight into addiction. Group therapy also offers a large supportive element, and often invites family and loved ones to talk about living with addiction.