Effective Management of Asthma and Allergies

Effective Management of Asthma and Allergies

According to the John Hopkins Society, over 50 million people in the U.S. suffer from allergies. Pollen allergy (i.e., hay fever or allergic rhinitis) is the most common, accounting for roughly 8% of U.S. adult allergy cases. While roughly 25.7 million people in the U.S. have asthma. Thankfully, there are numerous treatments available to life comfortably free of allergy and asthma symptoms.

Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies, pet allergies, or chronic asthma, the following treatments may provide relief:

1. Talk to an allergist
When allergies or asthma is so severe that over the counter solution aren’t effective, it may be time to talk to an allergist, which is a medical practitioner who specializes in diagnosing and treating allergies. Allergist may conduct multiple tests (i.e., pin prick test, breathing tests) to pinpoint allergen triggers. They may suggest allergy shots, a form of immunotherapy that exposes the patient to a tiny amount of the allergen to stimulate your immune system and gradually create immune tolerance to the trigger.

2. Quick action asthma inhalers
Quick-relief inhalers are taken as required for quick, short-term relief of asthma symptoms—usually to prevent or treat an asthma attack. They may come in forms of oral corticosteroids, ipratropium (Atrovent), and short-acting beta agonists (Albuterol).

3. Long acting asthma inhalers
Inhaled corticosteroids are long-term asthma control medications, taken as needed to control chronic symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Asthma inhalers may also include combination inhalers that mix a corticosteroid and a Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs).

4. Herbal remedies
There are several well known herbal remedies for reducing the symptoms of allergies and asthma. While studies are ongoing to identify their effectiveness, many people claim whole foods and herbs such as probiotic rich foods (i.e., yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha), local honey, spirulina (or blue green algae), and foods and vitamins rich in vitamin C reduce histamine response, improve symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and reduce allergic reaction over time.

5. Allergy avoidance
When it comes to keeping the symptoms of allergy and asthma at bay, the best treatment is to avoid known triggers as much as possible (i.e., pollen, animal dander, food allergies).