Ovarian Cancer: Types and Treatment

Ovarian Cancer: Types and Treatment

Ovarian cancer is one of the many female cancers. It is a disease that begins in the fallopian tubes and moves to the ovaries, the vital organs of a woman that make up the production of eggs and the main source of female hormone estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer that is in the early-stages rarely produces any symptoms. Even advanced ovarian cancer causes very few symptoms. However, some ovarian cancer symptoms to look out for include abdominal bloating, feeling full quickly after eating, weight loss, menstrual irregularity, frequent urination, discomfort in pelvic area, and changes in bowel habits. The epithelial ovarian tumors range from benign, malignant, or borderline as follows: 1. Benign Epithelial Ovarian Tumors These benign tumors mean that they do not spread and are usually not serious. The different types of benign tumors are serous cystadenomas, mucinous cystadenomas, and Brenner tumors. Usually these types of tumors disappear on their own. 2. Borderline Epithelial Tumors An ovarian cancer screening can usually detect borderline epithelial tumors. The type of screening done is a TVUS (transvaginal ultrasound) and CA-125 blood test. A TVUS is an ultrasound that uses sound waves to look at the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries by inserting an ultrasound wand into the vagina.
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Treating Kidney Cancer

Treating Kidney Cancer

Over the years the rate of kidney cancer has risen worldwide. According to statistics from the World Cancer Research Fund, the disease is ranked among the top ten most common cancers in both genders. However, the overall lifetime risk of kidney cancer is higher in men than in women. With these statistics in mind, an understanding of kidney cancer, or renal cancer, is vital for recognizing the early warning signs and seeking proper right treatment. In most cases, kidney cancer first appears in the tubal lining of the kidney. There have been numerous cases where the cancer is identified in its early stages. Cancer detected in early stages is easier to manage and treat. In other cases where it is not detected early, the cancer tumor grows and spreads to nearby tissues or organs, leading to a lower mortality rate among patients. The most common early warning symptoms of kidney cancer are: Extreme fatigue Swelling of the legs or ankles Blood in urine Sudden weight loss Extreme Fever Loss of appetite Anemia A lump in the abdomen or side torso An individual with any of the above symptoms is highly advised to seek medical consultation for kidney cancer screening. The CT scan has been most effective in detecting early stages of renal cancer.
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Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

Cancer is a terrible disease, especially when it affects the vital organs, such as the lungs. According to the National Lung Association, lung cancer refers to any cancer that originates in the lungs. The most common type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (or NSCLC), which affects almost 85% of lung cancer cases, and takes root in the tissues in the outer part of the lungs (adenocarcinomas). Fast progressing small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) makes up about 20% of lung cancers and grows in the alveoli (or tiny air sacs in the lungs). While squamous cell carcinomas make up the remaining 30% and develop in the passages of the respiratory tract. Different types of lung cancer often require one or a combination of the following treatments: 1. Lung cancer surgery As with most forms of cancer, if the lung cancer consists of a tumor, it will need to be removed via surgery. This is a pretty straight forward process in which the doctor will remove the tumor by making an incision in the chest, and simply remove the section of the patient’s lung that has been affected. Alternately, the doctor can use a technique known as “video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery” to make a much smaller incision, and remove the tumor through a small tube.
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Lung Cancer Symptoms That are Often Overlooked

Lung Cancer Symptoms That are Often Overlooked

Lung cancer is a deadly disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While some of its symptoms are well-known, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain, others are often overlooked, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, clinical trials have led to the development of new treatments such as RET inhibitors like Gavreto (Pralsetinib) and Zepzelca as well as immunotherapies like OPDIVO. Additionally, portable oxygen concentrators have become a popular option for managing lung cancer symptoms. Some of the latest treatments available include ALECENSA, Bevacizumab, and Cyramza (Ramucirumab). Here are some of the lesser known lung cancer symptoms: 1. Hoarseness or voice changes Hoarseness or changes in the voice are often overlooked as a symptom of lung cancer, but they can occur when a tumor presses on the vocal cords. This symptom can affect a person’s ability to communicate effectively, impacting their work and personal life. Unfortunately, hoarseness is often attributed to other causes like allergies, colds, or acid reflux, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment. 2. Unexplained weight loss While weight loss is a common symptom of many cancers, it can also occur in people with lung cancer. Unfortunately, many people attribute weight loss to other causes, like stress or a change in diet, and don’t seek medical attention until the cancer has progressed.
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Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Breast cancer is a prevalent disease among women, and menopause is a time when women may be at higher risk. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the early warning signs of breast cancer during menopause. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, which may involve medical treatments for breast cancer such as hormone therapy, gene testing, or HER2 targeted therapy. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) breast cancer screening guidelines also recommend regular screening for women in this age group. In this listicle, we will discuss the early warning signs of breast cancer during menopause and how to recognize them: 1. Lumps A lump in the breast is often one of the first signs of breast cancer. The lump may feel hard or rubbery and may be painless or tender to the touch. However, not all lumps are cancerous, and some benign conditions, such as cysts or fibroadenomas, can also cause lumps in the breast. 2. Thickening or swelling of the breast Breast cancer can cause thickening or swelling of the breast tissue. This may occur in one breast or both and can be accompanied by a lump or not. The breast may feel heavier than usual, and there may be changes in the shape or size of the breast.
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